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Вы здесь » Форум думеров и не только » Doom 3 english (v 1.3.1) » {EWZ} CLAN FRIENDS


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Hello guys! Welcome to our forum.
p.s Решил попробовать создать англоязычную тему специально для наших европейских товарищей. Они сказали если разберутся с русским языком, то обязательно зарегистрируются.



Интересно на это дело всё будет посмотреть. Если что, я в деле. Респект!  ;)



Идея несомненно интересная, но только чем мы их сможем заинтересовать?...



Максим написал(а):

Идея несомненно интересная, но только чем мы их сможем заинтересовать?...

Тут дело Дружбы Максим, они такие же поклонники DooM-3 как и мы, вот это нас и объединяет.



Hi guys

My name is Tony and I am one of the High Commanders of the EWZ clan. We play all types of games
Doom, Quake, COD4, FEAR, L4D and lots of others. We are a very active clan with 268 members
and you can always log in to our website wwwewz-clan.com

The language is a bit of a problem but can be overcome. We have members from all over the world.
So please come and look around in our website we will make any ANT members a "Forum Friend" on
our website.

Please come and say hello as 4 or 5 of your members already have. We are all united as Doom 3 players.
We have 7 or 8 Doom Servers out of a total of 15 servers at the moment based in England, Holland,
Germany and USA.

Thanks for your warm welcome and we hope to keep cntact with you from now on......... :glasses:  :)



Hello Mr Magoo. I am very glad to see you at our forum. Thanks you huge for your warmth and kindliness.
p.s Yours faithfully ANT Klan and Russian Doom 3



Hi Mr Magoo! We always it is glad you, at us in guest!  :D



I'm glad to see you here Mr Magoo! I hope other EWZ members will sing up to our forum too.  :D



Thank you everybody - I think that I am the first to register on your forum from EWZ
but others will come, I am sure. I am determined to beat this language problem and I
am begining to understand certain important words.

Thank you Sanpay, Rayne and VitXa for your warm welcome. I am sure that this will lead
to a great understanding between us. :D  :crazyfun:



We c pleasure expect the others participants {EWZ}.
p.s. Yours faithfully Sanpay



Mr Magoo {EWZ} написал(а):

am begining to understand certain important words.

This is good, you begin to understand us and we are just beginning to understand you a bit. More is better I think!
Good luck!



Hello, Mr. Magoo!

Having seen all above written, I simply should answer.

We are very glad to see you, dear friend.  :D

Any person can confirm to you it.

Very glad to acquaintance to you! I hope, it will be mutual!

Respect!  ;)

P.S: A good beginning is half the battle.  :P

Отредактировано REANIMATOR OF SOULS (2009-04-21 20:48:30)



I am glad that in Magoo {EWZ}, it has appeared, have been registered at our forum. To see very happy it! We will be very glad to other members {EWZ}
p.s. Yours faithfully Sanpay



Both I, and I, and I of the same opinion!  :D


Вы здесь » Форум думеров и не только » Doom 3 english (v 1.3.1) » {EWZ} CLAN FRIENDS